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Are you interested in membership and expanding a chapter on campus? Contact us at membership@DeltaPsiAlpha.com and we will provide you with additional documentation.
In order to become a brother or sister of Delta Psi Alpha, interested men and women must be full-time students enrolled in a 4-year university and have a minimum GPA of 2.275 or higher (no exceptions).
Before you can proceed with starting a chapter of Delta Psi Alpha you must first form an interest group on your campus. Below are the necessary steps that will take you from being part of an interest group, through the Associate Member Process, to an officially recognized chapter of Delta Psi Alpha.
Typically an interest group consists of 6 or more students that attend your respective university; however if your group is smaller, do not worry. Interests may not be part of another social Greek lettered organization. Once you have formed an interest group, you will be required the following:
1. Submit an official letter of intent signed by every student interested in becoming a founding member of your prospective university. Also include a member profile of each Interest. Each member profile should include; name, age, email, phone number, parent's contact information, year in school, major and other collegiate involvement.
2. Contact the Office of Student Life (or similar office at your respective university) and inform them of your desire to establish a chapter and obtain a copy of the institutions expansion policy and other pertinent documentation. Start buiding a relationship with this office, as this will be the stepping-stone to starting a chapter and being recognized on campus.
3. Contact the director of Expansion at membership@DeltaPsiAlpha.com and express your interest in expansion. The Director of Expansion will work with the interest group through the expansion process. Be sure to inform the Director of Expansion with all pertinent information such as university expansion policies and guidelines, requirements and exceptions and contact information.
4. The Director of Expansion will then be in contact with the Office of Student Life (or similar office) and work out any outlying details to start the Associate Member Process.
During the Associate Member Process, the Interest Group will need to become a registered organization on camps. This process will take one (1) semester. The interest group must appoint a staff or faculty member as the group’s advisor. As well as, forward a letter from the university or Office of Student Life (or similar office) that confirms your eligibility and current class schedule. The Associate Member Process lasts between (6) six to (10) weeks. At this point, all Delta Psi Alpha rules, regulations and bylaws apply to the recognized Interest Group. Please note- we are an Anti-Hazing Fraternity.
Download the Application Here